Successful businesses understand the value in their products and services. They also understand how maintaining satisfied customers will generate cross-selling opportunities and referrals. But perhaps most importantly, they know that an intimate understanding of your existing customers is the best model for targeting qualified prospects.
By learning who your customers are and why they benefit from your product or service specifically, you can deliver a relevant solution that matches your customers’ unique requirements with a targeted offering. Inherent in that requirement-solution pairing is a pattern of characteristics that will help you identify more ideal customers.
Assuming your solution aims to enhance your customer’s business, learning about your customers should be a top priority as you seek to provide the best product or service in your marketplace. But, knowing exactly how and why your product or service is the right fit for your customers will enhance future sales opportunities, as well.
Delivering a personalized customer experience is no longer just nice to have, it’s a requirement.
With Microsoft Dynamics 365 (“D365”), you can track key data elements to build your ideal customer profile, simplifying your marketing efforts while increasing sales conversion rates and profit margin per sale. As you interact with your customers through the sales process and beyond, an effective CRM provides a venue for documenting the key details that make that relationship sing. These details go beyond basic demographics; it’s not enough to know industry, location and size. Leveraging existing customer experience to better understand prospects means knowing how and why they make decisions. What is the driving force behind their desire to buy? Do they make decisions by committee? Is purchasing handled centrally? Who benefits the most by implementing your solution and how do you reach those users?
D365 tracks every step of the engagement lifecycle, allowing you to thoroughly understand you customer’s purchasing habits. By doing so, you’ll learn who your ideal customers are and how they buy. By internalizing these trends and behaviors, you can begin to make more strategic decisions to suit customer needs and buying cycles.
Enhance your ability to target the right prospect at the right time.
Your organization will also better serve your current customer base with the intent of driving strong more engaging relationships.
If you are looking to harmonize sales, marketing and customer support efforts, Dynamics 365 should be at the top of your list. Make customers loyal to your brand, your products, your services, and your team. The more insight and knowledge you have about your customers, the more effective and innovative you will be when solving their problems.
So, how will you get to know your customers using CRM?
The SYNACT team helps small- and medium-sized businesses implement CRM in a zero-conflict, all-inclusive service model. If you are interested in learning how SYNACT can help your organization adopt the solutions you need to ensure the quality of your customer’s journey, get in touch by emailing Jordyn Woods at or click here.